
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Look after yourself
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
IT's a really tough time out there at the moment and it is not always easy to remember to make time for yourself. I have been reflecting this week on how things have been for us and how some times things can get really tough, so we need to just give ourselves a break and make time for ourselves.
Facebook & Instagram - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - Adoption Advent1
Email - adoptionadventures123@gmail.com

Monday Jan 11, 2021
Going back to work
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
We asked what you would like to hear more about, a listener asked about what it was like going back to work. I share the experiences from Dads perspective and then my own.
Drop us a line on our social media:
Facebook or Insta - adoption.adventures
twitter - adoptionadvent1
Email - adoptionadventures123@gmail.com

Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
A very happy new year one and all!
Last year we caught up with Michaela Foster Marsh, she grew up with her brother who was adopted. They were very close in age, but came from different ethnic backgrounds. We got to speak about their experiences and how Michaela went searching for her brothers first family years' later.
You can get a copy of Michaela's book Starchild here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Starchild-Memoir-Adoption-Race-Family-ebook/dp/B082DJH1CV

Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
As Christmas fast approaches, I thought it would be good to talk about how Christmas can look for our little ones and what we can do to help them during a rather strange time.
From all of us at Adoption Adventures, we want to wish you the very best of Christmas's.
You can always reach out to us on:
facebook & Insta - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1
Email - adoptionadventures123@gmail.com

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Single male adopters Pt 2
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Following on from last weeks conversation, we had the great opportunity to chat with Richard, he is also a single male adopter who has had his son (mini dude) placed with him. We spoke about what life was like as a single dad and how his journey was going.
We would like to say a massive thank you to Richard for joining us and sharing his amazing journey!
Feel free to drop us a line on:
Facebook or Instagram - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1
Email - adoptionadventures123@gmail.com

Monday Dec 07, 2020
Single male adopters Pt 1
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Who can adopt? I think that it is a massive question and loads of people think that their circumstances will stop them from adopting. I have not met many single male adopters and I wondered if it was because the message was not getting out there that single men can adopt too! So, we went searching for some single male adopters from our audience, we were really lucky to have 2 single dads offer to speak with us. This week we are chatting with Tom, we are speaking about his journey to adoption and the support network around him.
Massive thank you to Tom for joining us this week and sharing his story.
If you would like to be a guest on the podcast or think that your story is one that others would like to hear, then get in touch.
Facebook/Insta - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1
Email - adoptionadventures123@gmail.com

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
One of my 'triggers' is sneaky behaviour, I have always struggled with lies. I know that it happens, I know that we are all guilty of telling lies every single day. But, when Little Dude does it, it bothers me! In today's episode, I am sharing some recent experiences that we have had and talking about what I have learned from it. If this is something that you have experienced then please share your story. Or perhaps you have a different trigger and you would like to share it with us to see if the community can help.
Drop us a line on:
Facebook and Insta - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1
Email - adoptionadventures123@gmail.com

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Voluntary Agencies
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
We are asked a lot about Voluntary Agencies and how they are different from the Local Authority agencies. It is something that we didn't know much about, so we found an amazing guest to join us. We spoke with Terry Fitzpatrick from ARC Adoption NE, he told us all about Voluntary Agencies and answered some listener questions too.
You can find ARC Adoption on:
If you have a topic you would like us to investigate or a question then you can drop us a line on our social media:
Facebook or Instagram - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Support network
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
We've been asked to chat about our support network and how this looked for us throughout our journey. Hopefully, it will help you on your journey.
Drop us a line on adoptionadventures123@gmail.com for more details

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Quick fire question round!!
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
I asked our listeners to drop us some questions, so in today's episode, we cover a whole range of topics from trauma to changing the child's name.
Check it out and drop us a line if you have any questions at all.
Facebook or Insta - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1