
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
We caught up with Scott who is a host of The Adoption and Fostering Podcast, Scott has sat on a number of adoption panels and was able to shed some light on what to expect at the panel.
Panel can be super scary, but hopefully, in this episode you will find out all of the reasons why you need not panic!! :-)
If you have any questions that you would like to ask then drop us an email on adoptionadventures123@gmail.com or on our social media which is:
Facebook and Insta - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1
You can also find the adoption and fostering podcast on all podcast providers, they have some amazing guests on their podcast and delve into some amazing topics too. Their Twitter is: @Adoption_pcast

Monday Aug 24, 2020
First families
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Have you ever wanted to speak with a birth parent and ask them about their journey? Has contact worried you in the past? Have you fond yourself building up an image of what birth families could be like?
In this week's extended episode, I caught up with Lara and Peggy from the podcast 'Two good mums'. Laura had her children CJ and RJ removed via adoption, Peggy and her husband then adopted them. Together they have built on the world of contact and shown how well it can work for the children.
I took listeners questions and posed them to both Laura and Peggy, the interview was amazing and I got so much from it, I hope you do too.
You can find the Two Good Mums podcast on all the usual outlets, or follow this link to their website: https://www.twogoodmums.co.uk/
As always, you can reach out to me on our social media pages:
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1
Facebook and Instagram - Adoption.Adventures
Or drop me an email on adoption.adventures@gmail.com

Monday Aug 17, 2020
Adoption during COVID
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Hey and howdy
This week, we have been asked how COVID is affecting the adoption community and also different ways that you can get experience with children prior to placement. I chat about the experiences that we have seen during COVID and some of the stories that I have had shared, but it would be great to hear your experiences too.
Drop us a line on:
Facebook and Instagram - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1
Email - adoptionadventures123@gmail.com

Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Pocket money
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
The debate has been ongoing for years, now the little dude has a reason to spend some money and this was dads chance to boost the work in the home. This week we are talking about pocket money, how it is earned and how it should be spent. It’s been an interesting topic in our family and I’ve been challenged for a while, but perhaps I got it wrong. Let us know what your thoughts are on: Facebook and instagram - adoption.adventures Twitter - adoptionadvent1 Adoptionadventures123@gmail.com

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Holidays pt 2
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Here’s an update from our holiday! We’re having a wonderful time and I wanted to share it with you all.

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
The boys and I are on holiday, and it reminded me that during training adopters can be told of the difficulties of holidays and how to apply caution. So, I’ve recorded on location about our experiences of holidays and what we did to make sure we had fun.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Type of parent
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
We were asked recently, what type of parent we set out to be. This was a really great question and took me longer to think about before giving you today's episode. So, here is our latest episode, where Daddy talks about the type of parents we wanted to be and the aims we had in the beginning.
You can always drop us a message on adoptionadventures123@gmail.com or on our social media accounts:
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1
Facebook and Instagram - Adoption.Adventures

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Self regulation
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
We had a listener ask us about tools that we have used to help the little dude to self-calm, what did we try, what worked and what didn't. Find out here.
Email us on adoptionadventures123@gmail.com
Or drop us a message on our social media:
Facebook and Instagram - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Social Media
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
We've had a listener ask us about social media and how we manage it, so, we've tackled that very question. I talk about the things that worried us, the way that we managed and continue to manage it now.
I recorded this episode shortly after waking up....so I sound a little croaky, I didn't even get my morning tea. And I had to keep a little quiet so as not to wake the house. :-)
If you would like to get in touch, please drop me an email on adoptionadventures123@gmail.com or a message via our social media on:
Facebook or Instagram - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
I was inspired to release an episode surrounding the court proceedings that all children go through and how this experience was for us. In this episode, I share our own journey through the court systems and how this experience worked for us. Hopefully, it will help you all to understand a little bit about that part of the journey.
Drop us an email on adoptionadventures123@gmail.com
Facebook and Instagram - Adoption.Adventures
Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1